Avo Toast with Tofu Scramble
- Super simple
- 0:25 m
- 14 ingredients
Looking for a simple and special weekend breakfast idea, but something a little more exciting than avocado toast? Try our delicious plant-based take on scrambled eggs, using scrambled tofu! We use a mix of both silken and firm tofu to nail that creamy eggy texture, all seasoned to perfection on top of a lovely toasted slice of bread. It’s a great healthy option too, with good fats from the avocado and a fantastic source of protein from the tofu...what’s not to love?
Serves: 2
For the tofu scramble
- ½ tbsp black pepper (plus more to taste)
- ¼ tsp turmeric
- 1 garlic clove
- plant-based butter - for spreading
- 1 tsp black salt (Kala Namak)
- 1 x 300g block of silken tofu
- 1 x 280g block of firm tofu
- 2 tbsp plant-based butter
For the avo toast
- 2 slices of quality sourdough
To serve
- bunch of micro herbs
- handful of chopped cherry tomatoes optional
- juice of ½ lemon
- Chilli flakes for garnish
Before you start
Frying pan | Powerful blender
Step 1
Prep the tofu scramble ingredients
- Peel and grate or crush the garlic
- Finely slice the spring onion
- Drain and blitz the silken tofu in a blender until smooth
- 1 garlic clove
- 1 x 300g block of silken tofu
Step 2
Make the tofu scramble
- Melt the plant-based butter in a frying pan over low-medium heat, stirring frequently
- Keeping everything at a gentle bubbling heat, add the sliced spring onion and stir to infuse into the butter for 1 minute
- Add the garlic and stir through for 1 minute
- Add the turmeric and stir through to colour all the veg
- Add the black salt and stir through
- Add the blended silken tofu and fold through the pan until everything is yellow
- Lower the pan heat and continue to cook until starting to firm up, stirring occasionally
- ¼ tsp turmeric
- 1 tsp black salt (Kala Namak)
- 2 tbsp plant-based butter
Step 3
Prepare the toast toppings
- Slice, toast and butter the bread
- Peel and thinly slice the avocado
- Halve the cherry tomatoes (if using)
- handful of chopped cherry tomatoes optional
- 2 slices of quality sourdough
- plant-based butter - for spreading
Step 4
Finish the tofu scramble
- Drain the firm tofu, then tear and crumble bite-size pieces into the pan, with a mix of sizes for texture
- Add the black pepper and stir through
- Gently fold the tofu through the pan, trying to avoid breaking up the firm tofu too much
- Taste and season to taste with more pepper if necessary
- ½ tbsp black pepper (plus more to taste)
- Chilli flakes for garnish
- 1 x 280g block of firm tofu
Step 5
Plate up
- Load up the bread slices with the tofu scramble and avocado slices
- Squeeze over some lemon over avocado, and sprinkle over the remaining garnishes to decorate
- bunch of micro herbs
- juice of ½ lemon
- 1 avocado
- 1 spring onion