Vegan Christmas Sandwich With Moist Maker (From Friends) Bosh TV

Christmas Sandwich With Moist Maker (From Friends)

  • Super simple
  • 0:15 m
  • 9 ingredients

Christmas... Oh Christmas... Traditional a time to eat turkey and 'all the trimmings'. Well you won't find any turkey around here...unless its fake-turkey... but what you will find is MANNNNYYYY vegan alternatives that you will be making everyone else at the dinner table jealous! We hope you managed to make one of our main vegan Christmas meals on Christmas day and now you're looking for some ideas of what you can do with your Xmas day left overs. Inspired by the legend that is Binging with Babish we decided to reuse our Christmas dinner leftovers to make a sandwich, complete with a gravy-soaked moist maker! A MUST MAKE this Christmas!

Serves: 4


For the recipe

  • bubble & squeak patties - see our recipe for Bubble and squeak patties on the website
  • crusty bread
  • plant-based mayonnaise
  • leftover greens - like cavolo nero or kale
  • cranberry sauce
  • leftover gravy
  • leftover carrots - cut into small pieces
  • leftover brussels sprouts - cut into small pieces
  • leftover roasted beetroot - cut into small pieces

Before you start

Frying pan | Bread knife

Step 1

Fry the bubble and squeak

  • For the bubble and squeak patties, take left over Giant Sausage Roll mixture (or Roast Wellington mixture)
  • Form it into patties with your hands, roll them in plain flour and fry them in olive oil until they’re crispy on the outside


  • bubble & squeak patties - see our recipe for Bubble and squeak patties on the website

Step 2

Start assembling your sandwich

  • Slice your bread into 1 inch thick slices
  • Cut the crust off one of the slices and put it to one side
  • Spread egg free mayo over your sandwich slices
  • Add a layer of kale, then the bubble and squeak patties then some cranberry sauce


  • crusty bread
  • plant-based mayonnaise
  • leftover greens - like cavolo nero or kale
  • cranberry sauce

Step 3

For the moist maker

  • Dip the crustless bread in the leftover gravy (this is your moist maker)
  • Put the moist maker on top of the cranberry sauce


  • leftover gravy

Step 4

Finish and serve

  • Add the carrots, Brussels sprouts and beetroot
  • Put the lid on your sandwich, skewer it to keep it together and slice it in half carefully (use a bread knife)


  • leftover carrots - cut into small pieces
  • leftover brussels sprouts - cut into small pieces
  • leftover roasted beetroot - cut into small pieces