Cranbery Christmas Gravy
- 18 ingredients
Looking for a tasty gravy to go with your Christmas feast? Our Cranberry Gravy, is rich, tangy, and packed with festive flavour it'll take your Christmas day mains to the next level. Perfectly balanced with a hint of spice and umami, it’s the perfect pairing for your Christmas feast.
Serves: 8
For the gravy
- 1 large onion
- 2 carrots
- 1 leek
- 2 celery sticks
- 4 garlic cloves
- 1 bay leaf
- a small bunch of fresh thyme
- 1 sprig fresh rosemary
- 3 tbsp olive oil
- 2 tsp salt
- 1 tsp black pepper
- 50g dried porcini mushrooms
- 21⁄2 tbsp flour
- 4 tbsp water
- 500ml vegetable stock
- 1 tbsp soy sauce
- 50g cranberry jelly / sauce
- 60ml port
Before you start
Preheat oven to 190°C | Large roasting tin | Kettle boiled | Potato masher or stick blender | 2 large saucepans
Step 1
First roast the vegetables
- Peel and quarter the onion
- Trim the carrots, leek and celery and cut them into 4–5cm pieces
- Put all the vegetables into the roasting tin along with the unpeeled garlic cloves, bay leaf, thyme and rosemary
- Drizzle with the olive oil and sprinkle over the salt and pepper
- Place in the oven and roast for 45 minutes, tossing once halfway through
- 1 large onion
- 2 carrots
- 1 leek
- 2 celery sticks
- 4 garlic cloves
- 1 bay leaf
- a small bunch of fresh thyme
- 1 sprig fresh rosemary
- 3 tbsp olive oil
- 2 tsp salt
- 1 tsp black pepper
- 50g dried porcini mushrooms
- 21⁄2 tbsp flour
- 4 tbsp water
- 500ml vegetable stock
- 1 tbsp soy sauce
- 50g cranberry jelly / sauce
- 60ml port
Step 2
Soak the mushrooms
- Put the porcini mushrooms into a mug and fill it with hot water
- Leave to soak while the vegetables roast
- 1 large onion
- 2 carrots
- 1 leek
- 2 celery sticks
- 4 garlic cloves
- 1 bay leaf
- a small bunch of fresh thyme
- 1 sprig fresh rosemary
- 3 tbsp olive oil
- 2 tsp salt
- 1 tsp black pepper
- 50g dried porcini mushrooms
- 21⁄2 tbsp flour
- 4 tbsp water
- 500ml vegetable stock
- 1 tbsp soy sauce
- 50g cranberry jelly / sauce
- 60ml port
Step 3
Take the vegetables out of the oven
- Peel the skins off the garlic cloves then mash all the vegetables in the tin with a potato masher or pulse with a stick blender until mushy but not smooth
- Transfer to one of the large saucepans
- 1 large onion
- 2 carrots
- 1 leek
- 2 celery sticks
- 4 garlic cloves
- 1 bay leaf
- a small bunch of fresh thyme
- 1 sprig fresh rosemary
- 3 tbsp olive oil
- 2 tsp salt
- 1 tsp black pepper
- 50g dried porcini mushrooms
- 21⁄2 tbsp flour
- 4 tbsp water
- 500ml vegetable stock
- 1 tbsp soy sauce
- 50g cranberry jelly / sauce
- 60ml port
Step 4
Bring it together
- Put the flour into a mug and add the water
- Whisk with a fork until all the lumps have dissolved
- Add to the saucepan
- Pour in the porcini mushrooms and soaking liquid
- Add the vegetable stock, soy sauce, cranberry sauce and port
- Place on a high heat
- Stir continuously until the gravy is bubbling then reduce the heat and simmer for about 30 minutes, checking regularly to ensure it doesn’t stick to the pan
- 1 large onion
- 2 carrots
- 1 leek
- 2 celery sticks
- 4 garlic cloves
- 1 bay leaf
- a small bunch of fresh thyme
- 1 sprig fresh rosemary
- 3 tbsp olive oil
- 2 tsp salt
- 1 tsp black pepper
- 50g dried porcini mushrooms
- 21⁄2 tbsp flour
- 4 tbsp water
- 500ml vegetable stock
- 1 tbsp soy sauce
- 50g cranberry jelly / sauce
- 60ml port
Step 5
Prepare to serve
- When the gravy reaches your ideal thickness, pour it through a sieve into the second pan, forcing the gravy through with a wooden spoon
- Put the pan over a very low heat to keep warm until you are ready to serve, then transfer to a serving jug or gravy boat
- 1 large onion
- 2 carrots
- 1 leek
- 2 celery sticks
- 4 garlic cloves
- 1 bay leaf
- a small bunch of fresh thyme
- 1 sprig fresh rosemary
- 3 tbsp olive oil
- 2 tsp salt
- 1 tsp black pepper
- 50g dried porcini mushrooms
- 21⁄2 tbsp flour
- 4 tbsp water
- 500ml vegetable stock
- 1 tbsp soy sauce
- 50g cranberry jelly / sauce
- 60ml port