Donut Cookie Dippers
- Simple
- 0:15 m
- 11 ingredients
If you're looking for a dairy free donut recipe, you have hit the jackpot baby! We like donuts & we like cookies so we decided to blend them together & came up with these tasty little nuggets. They're naughty but believe us, they're super nice! Vegan cookie recipe meets vegan donut recipe...HEAVEN.
Serves: 4
For the donut cookies
- ½ tbsp vegetable oil
- ½ cup soy milk
- 120g caster sugar
- ½ tbsp baking powder
- vegetable oil for frying
- 240 plain flour
- salt
For the dipping sauce
- handful of blackberries
- handful of raspberries
- 55ml maple syrup
- 60 plant-based butter
Before you start
Blender | Deep fat fryer or deep frying pan
Step 1
To start
- Put the dairy free butter, vegetable oil & soy milk in a pan, melt them together & then put them to one side
- ½ tbsp vegetable oil
- ½ cup soy milk
- 240 plain flour
- salt
Step 2
Making the dough
- Put the flour, sugar, baking powder & salt in a bowl & mix them together
- Pour the liquid you made previously into bowl & mix it together until it forms a dough
- Pull pieces of the dough off the big ball & make smaller balls - put them to one side
- 120g caster sugar
- ½ tbsp baking powder
- handful of blueberries
Step 3
Frying the balls
- Deep fry the balls until they’re crispy & golden
- Take the balls out of the fryer & put them on some kitchen paper so the excess oil drips off
- vegetable oil for frying
- 60 plant-based butter
Step 4
Making the dipping sauce
- Put the fruit & maple syrup in a blender & whizz them up into a liquid
- Pour the liquid through a sieve into a bowl (to catch the seeds & sediment)
- If you want to warm up the syrup in a pan - feel free, warm or cold it’s delicious
- handful of blackberries
- handful of raspberries
- 55ml maple syrup
Step 5
Time to serve
- Dip the balls into the syrup. BOSH!