Omelette Balls - Takoyaki

0:30 m

These little beauties are Omelette Balls, inspired by the Japanese street snack takoyaki. Piping hot balls of "eggy" batter filled with spring onions and pickled ginger, and topped with a tangy mix of teriyaki sauce and sriracha mayo, these are the perfect mix of crisp and gooey. The secret to achieving this amazingly "eggy" filling is Crackd The No-Egg Egg, now available in the chilled meat substitute aisle in Tesco stores across the UK! With the equivalent of 6 eggs per bottle, you won't miss any of the golden colour or silky richness of regular eggs with this plant-based substitute. It's also a wonderfully versatile ingredient, being pan, oven, microwave and even freezer-friendly! Why not use the leftover Crackd from this recipe to whip up some delicious flavoured Scrambled EggsEggs Benedict FlorentineChocolate Orange Brownies or Savoury Bread and Butter Pudding?

Start cooking ➞




For the omelette balls

<item-todo-done>2 tsp soy sauce or tamari<item-todo-done><item-todo-done>180g Crackd The No-Egg Egg<item-todo-done><item-todo-done>400g gram flour<item-todo-done><item-todo-done>920ml water<item-todo-done><item-todo-done> salt to taste<item-todo-done>

For the filling

<item-todo-done>2 tbsp pickled ginger<item-todo-done><item-todo-done>4 spring onions<item-todo-done><item-todo-done>1 x 300g block of silken tofu<item-todo-done><item-todo-done> plant-based Sriracha mayo<item-todo-done>

To serve


Before you start

Takoyaki Pan | Mixing bowl | Pastry brush

Make the batter

  • In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the Crackd The No-Egg Egg liquid, gram flour, water, tamari and a pinch of salt until smooth

Prepare the fillings

  • Finely slice the spring onions and ginger
  • Cut the tofu block into small pieces

Heat the pan

  • Heat up the takoyaki pan and brush each compartment with some olive oil

Cook the omelette balls

  • Once the takoyaki pan is hot, pour equal amounts of the batter into each individual compartment
  • Cook for a few minutes (approx 5-6 minutes), until the bottom of the balls feel cooked before sprinkling over some of the fillings
  • Turn the omelette balls at a 90° angle and cook again for a few minutes until the base feels cooked
  • Repeat this process until all sides of the balls are cooked (it should take around 10-15 minutes for each batch)

Time to serve** **

  • Once the balls are cooked through, remove the omelette balls from the pan and serve on a large plate
  • Drizzle over some sriracha mayo, teriyaki sauce, sliced ginger and spring onions to serve
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