Quick N' Easy Pad Thai
- Super simple
- 0:20 m
- 17 ingredients
This Pad Thai is super simple, super healthy & super delicious. It'll feed four hungry people and leave them with big smiles.
Serves: 4
For the recipe
- 1 tbsp groundnut oil
- 1 tbsp toasted sesame oil
- 2 tbsp dark soy sauce to taste
- 1 tbsp coconut sugar - brown sugar would do
- 4 garlic cloves
- 5cm piece of fresh ginger
- 2 x 280g block of firm tofu
- 125g smooth peanut butter
- 100g Sriracha - more or less to taste
- 235ml water
- 2 carrots
- 8 baby corn
- 1 handful of mangetout
- 2 red chillies
- 1 red bell pepper
- 60g crunchy peanuts
- 2 spring onions
- 1 pack of rice noodles - cooked according to back of pack
Before you start
Frying pan
Step 1
Prepare the tofu and vegetables
- Press and cut the tofu into 1cm cubes
- Finely chop the garlic
- Chop the ginger into matchsticks
- Finely dice the carrots and red bell pepper
- Chop the baby corn into quarters
- Deseed and finely slice the red chillies
- Finely slice the spring onion
- 4 garlic cloves
- 5cm piece of fresh ginger
- 2 x 280g block of firm tofu
- 2 carrots
- 8 baby corn
- 2 red chillies
- 1 red bell pepper
- 2 spring onions
Step 2
Heat the oil
- Add the ginger & garlic and stir for about a minute (don't let the garlic brown)
- Add the tofu cubes to the pan and cook for a few minutes, until they start to darken on the outside
- Add the smooth peanut butter & stir so it's all mixed in nicely, then add the soy sauce, Sriracha and water
- Stir and cook down until you have a nice thick paste coating the tofu
- Add the coconut sugar stir until it's dissolved and mixed in thoroughly
- 1 tbsp groundnut oil
- 1 tbsp toasted sesame oil
- 2 tbsp dark soy sauce to taste
- 1 tbsp coconut sugar - brown sugar would do
- 125g smooth peanut butter
- 100g Sriracha - more or less to taste
- 235ml water
- 60g crunchy peanuts
Step 3
Cook the vegetables and serve
- Add the vegetables and mix round so they're all well covered in the sauce (don't let them get too soft - the veg will ideally have a lovely crunch to them)
- Add the crushed nuts, green onions & stir round
- Then, add the freshly cooked rice noodles (they should be fresh out the pan & still very much wet - this makes the sauce the perfect consistency)
- Mix them round so they're well covered in sauce
- Serve immediately with a dressing of Sriracha, crushed peanuts & spring onions
- 1 handful of mangetout
- 1 pack of rice noodles - cooked according to back of pack