Ratatouille Quiche

1:35 h

Inspired by the Disney Pixar movie of the same name, we're making movie magic in the BOSH! HQ kitchen with our Ratatouille Quiche. Our plant-based take includes a flaky crust and creamy silken tofu packed with herbs and spices, and a ratatouille topping with vibrant roast veggies. Perfect for a sunny weekend brunch or dinner party it's a guaranteed showstopper that even Remy would be proud of!

Start cooking ➞




For the Pastry

<item-todo-done>2 tbsp plain flour<item-todo-done><item-todo-done>500g plant-based shortcrust pastry<item-todo-done>

For the Quiche Filling

<item-todo-done>250g silken tofu<item-todo-done><item-todo-done>1 tsp Dijon mustard<item-todo-done><item-todo-done>1 tsp garlic powder<item-todo-done><item-todo-done>¼ tsp chilli flakes<item-todo-done><item-todo-done>1 tbsp corn flour<item-todo-done><item-todo-done>3 tbsp nutritional yeast<item-todo-done><item-todo-done>1 lemon - zest and juice<item-todo-done><item-todo-done>2 thyme sprigs<item-todo-done><item-todo-done>1 sprig of rosemary<item-todo-done><item-todo-done>¼ tsp salt<item-todo-done><item-todo-done>¼ tsp pepper<item-todo-done>

For the Ratatouille Topping

<item-todo-done>1 aubergine<item-todo-done><item-todo-done>1 courgette<item-todo-done><item-todo-done>3 tomatoes<item-todo-done><item-todo-done>2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil<item-todo-done><item-todo-done> salt and pepper to taste<item-todo-done><item-todo-done>10g pine nuts - optional<item-todo-done><item-todo-done> handful of chives<item-todo-done>

Before you start

Preheat oven to 180*C | 25cm tart tin

Line the quiche base

  • Lightly dust a surface with the flour and roll out the pastry to a 30cm wide circle
  • Grease the dish with plant-based butter
  • Press the pastry into the pie dish
  • Trim and crimp the edges
  • Chill in the fridge for 30 minutes

Bake the pastry

  • Line the pastry with baking parchment and fill with baking beans or rice
  • Bake in the oven for 15 minutes until pale golden and set
  • Remove the baking parchment and beans and return to the oven for 5 mins

Prepare the Veg

  • Pick and roughly chop the thyme and rosemary leaves
  • Slice the aubergine, courgette and tomatoes into 3mm slices

Make the quiche filling

  • Blender the silken tofu, mustard, garlic powder, chilli flakes, cornflour, nutritional yeast, lemon zest and juice
  • Blend until smooth, stir through the thyme and rosemary leaves, then taste and season with salt and pepper

Assemble and bake

  • Spread the filling all over the base of the tart
  • Arrange the vegetables on top in a concentric circles
  • Drizzle with the olive oil and a pinch of salt and pepper
  • Place in the oven for 25 minutes, then scatter over the pine nuts and bake for another 10 minutes
  • The quiche should be set with a slight wobble
  • Remove from the oven and leave to cool
  • Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and garnish with thyme leaves before slicing and serving
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