Ultimate Summer BOSH! Bowl
- Simple
- 0:30 m
- 13 ingredients
Once BBQ season hits, it’s every vegan for themselves. With meat off the menu, we always put big efforts into our salad game and, if we do say so ourselves, we have nailed this one. This is one of the best side salads you're ever gonna get your hands on. Fresh, zingy, hearty, it's got it all. Just remember to make plenty of it because even your hardcore carnivores will want a taste. This is a super healthy vegan recipe, fresh and full of nutrients. A beautiful plant-based summer dish.
Serves: 4
For the recipe
- 1 tsp olive oil
- 2 tsp extra virgin olive oil
- 1 red bell pepper
- 1 fennel bulb
- 100g cherry tomatoes
- 1 clove garlic clove
- 100g fresh or frozen broad beans
- 10g thyme
- 10g dill
- 10g mint
- 100g rocket
- 1 unwaxed lemon
- 100g orzo
- Salt & pepper to taste
- chilli flakes to taste
Before you start
Preheat oven to 200°C | Baking tray | Small pan | Large bowl | Mixing bowl
Step 1
Grab your red pepper
- Remove the white pith from the red bell pepper and chop it into bite size chunks
- Chop the fennel into bite sized chunks, remove the fonds and set them aside for garnish
- Cut the cherry tomatoes
- Pick and roughly chop the thyme, dill and mint
- Wash and dry the rocket
- Zest and juice the lemon
- 1 red bell pepper
- 1 fennel bulb
- 100g cherry tomatoes
- 10g thyme
- 10g dill
- 10g mint
Step 2
Bake the veggies
- Next put the peppers, fennel, cherry tomatoes and unpeeled garlic on a lined baking tray
- Drizzle with 1 tsp of oil and a pinch of salt as well as some red chilli flakes and mix well
- Bake for 20 minutes at 200℃, then remove from oven and set aside
- 1 tsp olive oil
- 1 clove garlic clove
- Salt & pepper to taste
- chilli flakes to taste
Step 3
Prepare the broad beans and orzo pasta
- Bring a small pan of water to the boil, add the broad beans and cook for approximately 2 minutes, place in bowl of cold water and allow to cool completely
- Pop the tender, bright green beans out of their thick leather skins by squeezing gently. If you're using frozen broad beans, you can skip this step.
- Cook your orzo as per the packet instructions and allow to cool completel
- 100g fresh or frozen broad beans
- 100g orzo
Step 4
Make the dressing
- Combine the lemon juice, zest, extra virgin olive oil and herbs
- Squeeze the garlic clove out of the skin and add this to the dressing ingredients
- Mix well to combine
- 2 tsp extra virgin olive oil
- 1 unwaxed lemon
Step 5
Assemble the salad and serve
- Combine the roasted vegetables, broad beans, rocket and orzo in a large bowl
- Toss through the dressing
- Season to taste and serve immediately
- 100g rocket